Panel discussion - The UNESCO Guide brings ETD's to your university
Panel discussion - The UNESCO Guide brings ETD's to your university
If your university is contemplating starting an ETD program or expanding an existing ETD program there are special challenges whose answers may be found in the experiences of others. While the ETD initiative provides excellent resources for operating an ETD program, each university faces a unique political, social and organizational environment that influences how ETD leaders can introduce an ETD program. This session's panelists will be chosen for their knowledge of the educational system in their region and they can speak authoritatively about what they have found to be essential to successful ETD leadership. Sharing experiences - both successes, and concerns - is the key to this session. The featured panelists will represent the perspectives from different regions and all attendees are encouraged to join into the conversation. The interactive, conversational approach of this presentation has been a proven success in other venues, and will spark ideas and help focus on the issues that are most pertinent to attendees. Among some of the expected topics of conversation are ideas for incubating new programs, the cost of program administration, advantages/disadvantages to students and universities, workflow issues, preservation, and ETD policies that have worked or have needed to be improved. All those in the ETD community, even people who are not attending the conference, will have the opportunity to add their ideas prior to the session by visiting the session's website. The website outlines issues that have been raised and encourages visitors to add their own thoughts. To contribute see