Components for an extensible Enterprise e-Learning Environment
Components for an extensible Enterprise e-Learning Environment
Today the life cycle of technical knowledge decreases dramatically. Human resources departments e.g., Telekom Training Center (TTC) and Telekom Business Academy (TBA), look for well-developed, process-based concepts to identify, plan and carry out high-level qualification according to enterprise's current needs. While the past was driven by presence seminars, today a wide range of computed-aided multi-medial tools are available, which allow distance learning, even in virtual groups. But, there is a strong need for methodical and didactical concepts to meet successfully individual customs of trainees. Multiple criteria are taken into consideration to create efficient and modular curricula, which can be handled in parallel to daily duties. Elements like Computer and Web Based Training (CBT/WBT), Virtual Classrooms and Multimedia Knowledge and Skill Databases are brought together using IP networks to create a flexible learning environment, which can be accessed by a portal, called Learning or Training Management Systems (TMS/LMS), anywhere and anytime. Besides vocational and further training support, especially sales departments are looking for distribution of latest product and solution information to the area-distributed sales persons. E-learning at Deutsche Telekom has a long tradition. Learning, communication and networks specialists of the T-Systems' Service Line Systems Integration work together to create customer individual learning solutions, filling the slogan Plan - Build - Run with life. Modular building blocks with different focus, e.g. communication systems, document management systems and process tools are integrated for single-sign-on. Role concepts with different views of trainee, tutor, event~, system~ and network administrator are consequently supported. T-Systems enforces the specification and development of enhanced learning systems, e.g. GlobalTeach. and participates in international research projects. The presentation will emphasise important technical components and development concepts to create an environment, which meets today's requests for an enterprise e-learning solution.