Towards a homogeneous status of communicated research


Towards a homogeneous status of communicated research



Towards a homogeneous status of communicated research


This paper justifies how research results can be more effectively and efficiently communicated between interested parties. In particular, it will focus on the process of seeking research results that most of the times interested parties do not know when they will be communicated. This makes the entire retrieval method a very time consuming approach and most importantly not always a successful one. To this extent, the paper will propose methods of how interested parties will effectively and efficiently keep informed of up-to-date research work relevant to their enquiry and most importantly how to establish a homogeneous status of communicated research work. This is based on a PhD research study conducted at De Montfort University, which its research outcome consists of a validated soft systems methodology based theoretical model for the achievement of the aim of how design research results can be more effectively and efficiently communicated between design researchers. Although the validated model aimed on the improvement of communication of design research work between interested parties, it was argued that the system could also allow interested parties to communicate (act, react and interact) based on multiple research topics, i.e. design, computing, mathematics, physics and chemistry.
