SHERPA services



SHERPA services


Poster: Objective: To support open access repository development and use and improve the quality of service that repositories are able to provide. Methods: By engaging with the user communities - repository managers, academics, librarians, publishers, research funders, and open access advocates a set of improvements and developments SHERPA services have been identified. Results: This poster summarises the key developments which are taking place in SHERPA services. The work of SHERPA is well known in the UK in supporting the establishment of a network of repositories in many of the UK research-led institutions; in outreach and advocacy activities and in the provision of a set of open access services. This poster presents an overview of the open access services which are maintained and developed by the SHERPA core team at the University of Nottingham. These include RoMEO, JULIET and OpenDOAR. RoMEO summarises copyright policy information from publishers regarding open access archiving. JULIET lists and analyses funders' requirements regarding open access to research outputs. OpenDOAR lists and analyses the world's academic open access repositories. Recent funding developments mean that work is now under way on each of these services to develop the information that they hold and facilities that they provide. Romeo is working with volunteers and funders from around the world to increase the coverage of its holdings and with technologists to improve the functionality and services that it offers. Juliet has recently upgraded to include information on data archiving policies and open access publishing policies from research funders: it is similarly working with information from around the world to increase its coverage. OpenDOAR is being developed to include statistical data and working with repository administrators to help them improve the quality of their own repositories. SHERPA is proud to say that these services have been identified as vital components in the global open access infrastructure and they were singled out in the award to SHERPA of the SPARC Europe Award for Outstanding Contribution to Scholarly Communication in 2007.
