Ensuring Discovery of ETDs: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology & ProQuest/UMI Case Study


Ensuring Discovery of ETDs: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology & ProQuest/UMI Case Study



Ensuring Discovery of ETDs: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology & ProQuest/UMI Case Study


HKUST is a very young, but world recognized, research institution. Since 2002, the University Library has offered an open access, Institutional Repository of Theses and Dissertations for HKUST students; see http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl. Previously, the Library provided both production of electronic documents and sent print copies for the publishing of dissertations in the ProQuest database to maximize discoverability and access to ETDs. In July 2007, students were required to produce the electronic copies for the repository. The Library wished to replace print copies with electronic copies for submission to ProQuest, but was faced with the challenge of creating and maintaining a feasible, simplified system. This process created a challenge for both ProQuest and the HKUST Library. This session will detail work by HKUST and ProQuest to design an open "UMIXML web interface" which captures the PDF and XML metadata and transfers a single FTP-zip file to ProQuest for Publishing. This approach provides for a hands-off technical solution for submission to ProQuest /UMI and also supports the end-user service approach provided by the University Library. The authors will describe the issues that arose and the solutions instituted to facilitate a satisfactory and innovative solution.
