The Lithuanian ETD Repository and its Regulations, Rules and Documents



The Lithuanian ETD Repository and its Regulations, Rules and Documents


Poster: The Lithuanian ETD collection was created at the end of 2003 with financial support from UNESCO and using UNESCO recommendations widely applied all over the world. Since 2006 the Lithuanian ETD collection, which contains more than 6100 ETDs, has operated as one of five e-document collections in the Lithuanian Academic E-library (eLABa). eLABa is legalized as an open access based national repository. It is owned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuanian Republic, and managed by Kaunas University of Technology. All Lithuanian science and study institutions are encouraged to store the documents of their students in the eLABa ETD collection. After signing appropriate contracts, almost all science and study institutions in Lithuania supply data. That is why all documents legalizing the national repository eLABa cover the Lithuanian ETD collection. The poster describes the eLABa ETD collection, its regulations, rules, documents and application software together with recommendations for future activities.
