RSP -- Repositories Support Project
RSP -- Repositories Support Project
Poster: Objective: To support repository development in the UK. Methods: The RSP is a central JISC funded project to support repository development of all types in the UK. RSP provides advice, information and support to repository managers and others who are developing the UK infrastructure. Results: This poster summarises the key outputs and services from the RSP for the benefit of repository managers. The Repositories Support Project is a JISC-funded project to coordinate and deliver good practice and practical advice to English and Welsh HEIs to enable the implantation, management and development of digital institutional repositories. The RSP is consulting with the community at large in order to ensure institutions can be effectively supported whatever their repository type or stage of maturity. A databank of expertise, know-how and best practice is being built at the project website -- This poster summarises the information and support that the RSP can give to individual institutions. This includes an outreach programme, offering consultancy-style visits to offer practical advice on any aspect of repository set-up, development, integration or promotion. The RSP also runs a series of professional briefing events on topics to assist repository management and development, together with focused workshops on practical issues like copyright, a summer school, and other outreach activities. The website provides information on building repositories, expanding content and practical advice on increasing usage. There is also a wiki page for each institution to enable repository managers to share thoughts and issues with their peers. Talking to international colleagues has shown that a centralised support service for a country is a relative rarity, but one that can help coordinate and integrate repository infrastructure. We are very happy to talk to colleagues from other countries about our own experience and the way in which the project has worked so far. The RSP is also pleased to hear from individual repository managers at whatever their stage of development and is helping to build a community of information and experience for all.