



Poster: 'Embed' is a collaborative project funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee as part of the JISC 'Repositories and Preservation Programme'. The Embed project is investigating, creating and testing a service model designed to: * speed up the development and acceptance of institutional repositories amongst researchers * discover how best to embed repositories into researchers' workflow processes and institutions' infrastructures Partners in the project include Cranfield University, which has an IR (CERES) which contains over 1000 ETDs, and The Robert Gordon University, which has an IR (OpenAIR@RGU) which has a thesis which has been viewed over 1000 times within a few months of being made available. Both of these IRs include theses alongside a range of other types of research output and the poster on display at ETD 2008 illustrates the key themes of: * inclusiveness (in terms of material type) * widening access ('Be seen... Be read... Be cited...) * proof of usage (statistics) * advocacy and communication (involving the providers of the content)
