Access to PDF Dissertations on DVD in Asia: lessons for library consortia worldwide
Access to PDF Dissertations on DVD in Asia: lessons for library consortia worldwide
Poster: Numerous library consortia groups throughout Asia, as well as some European countries, take delivery of PDF dissertations on DVD from ProQuest / UMI. This poster will highlight best practice concerning access to PDF dissertations on disc. The poster will outline current procedures in provision of PDF dissertations on disc to consortia groups, including: most successful selection processes of dissertations among member libraries; data delivery options; development and customisation of local access portals; integration with library systems; and outreach and promotional work to ensure ongoing institution-wide access throughout all participating members. The poster will transfer knowledge of best practice in local provision and dissemination of PDF dissertations on disc. Procurement of PDF dissertations on DVD provides a cost effective access, and perpetual archive solution for many library consortia, but requires close co-operation between libraries, investment in infrastructure and promotion.