Cybertesis as a cooperative process for the implementation of the Digital Thesis Peruvian Network
Cybertesis as a cooperative process for the implementation of the Digital Thesis Peruvian Network
Summary of the cooperative efforts developed in Peru by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) and other higher education institutions, towards the implementation of the Digital Thesis Peruvian Network. The digital thesis project in Peru began in 2004, when the UNMSM library system published a website applying the modified Cybertesis methodology. Since then, the UNMSM library system initiated a training program with the aim of sharing its expertise and encouraging the implementation of similar projects in other Peruvian universities. The implementation of this project in other local institutions has been challenging; only a handful of them have the infrastructure and skilled human resources required by this endeavor. Nonetheless, with the support provided by the UNMSM library system and the cooperation of other academic institutions, six digital thesis projects have been developed in Peruvian universities. Based on those efforts, in January 2008 the Digital Thesis Peruvian Network website started functioning as a service provider. The Digital Thesis Peruvian Network has also benefited from the experience gained by UNMSM after supporting the implementation of the Biblioteca Digital Andina of the Andean Community (CAN). UNMSM participation in this project has brought our expertise to Colombia and Bolivia. As a result, Bolivia has just implemented a digital thesis website at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés applying the modified Cybertesis methodology. Services provided by the UNMSM Cybertesis website - discussion forums, mailing, personal profiles, statistical indicators, rss, and recently the uploading of thesis' authors videos - have been also installed in websites in other Andean countries and the Peruvian Network. Increasingly Peruvian universities are showing interest in implementing digital thesis websites that can provide the aforementioned services, especially regarding audiovisual materials; consequently, the Peruvian Network is including the dissemination of those processes to add value to their digitized materials.